Dare To Be Me (DTBM) is a philosophy and practice that invites students and teachers on a personal and educational journey of courage, growth, belonging, and self-expression. We invite the public to learn more by visiting the newly launched Dare To Be Me website at https://daretobeme.org/.
DTBM provides time to get outside, to be active, and to engage one’s senses. Learning starts to come alive because both teachers and students thrive through connection to Nature and activities that instill joy, awe, curiosity, resilience, and agency. Through these activities, students enhance their overall well-being and nurture their personal and academic potential. Teachers, in turn, feel enlivened and empowered to bring their whole selves to the classroom.
Originally created by Hazen teacher Anja Pfeffer as part of her 2021 Rowland Fellowship, DTBM is constantly evolving and expanding. It is currently being piloted here at Hazen Union School as a complement to the existing traditional course offerings.