Timelines/Deadlines for Students
Students have 3 weeks after the end of the quarter to submit evidence of course standards being met sufficient to resolve an Incomplete.
After this deadline: When there is evidence of student learning, the score is recorded as it was and is factored into the final grade.
When there is no evidence of student learning, the score for that Essential Learning becomes a “1” and is factored into the final grade.
Course Failure: For the 2022-2023 school year, a course grade average of 2.5 or higher is passing.
- A student who earns a score lower than 2.5 but has a Habits of Work (HOW) Grade 3.0 or higher, will have the opportunity to improve their work through the Credit Recovery process. The student will work with teachers, guidance counselor, and administration to design a summer plan (which may or may not include summer school).
- A student who earns a score lower than 2.5 and has an HOW Grade lower than 2.0, will have to retake the course and/or work with guidance to design an alternative pathway for the following year.